Allergy information.

Please inform us of any allergies in your party. Let us know at the door or for online orders, add a note in the Special Request box.

Our daily bagels do not contain the following allergens, unless otherwise noted or in the bagel name:

  • Honey - not in the bagels, but our Bear Butter spread does contain honey

  • Nuts

  • Soy - not IN the bagels, but there is soy lecithin in the pan spray we use on the trays to bake the bagels

  • Eggs - None of our standard bagels contain eggs. If we have a special of an Egg and French Toast Bagels, those DO contain eggs

  • Animal products

  • Fish

  • Dairy - None of our standard bagels contain dairy. If we have a special of any cheese bagels [Asiago, Jalapeño Cheddar], those will contain dairy

We do have many of the above allergens in our kitchen. We take pride in our strict safety practices, but cross-contamination is always a small risk. If you have a severe gluten/wheat or seed (sesame, poppy) allergy, we would advise you not to eat our bagels, unfortunately.

Additional allergen information:

  • The pan spray [what we use so the bagels don’t stick] contains sunflower, soy lecithin, and canola oil.

  • Our Oat Milk contains sunflower oil.

  • Our Vegan ‘cream cheese’ brands vary depending on availability and may contain soy and/or sunflower oil and/or coconut.

  • Our eggs are grilled in olive oil not butter.

  • We use lox [salmon], tomatoes, and avocados for some of our breakfast sandwiches.

  • The gluten-free bagels are sourced from a separate bakery, kept frozen, and are vegan.

  • Everything bagels contain garlic and onion, but do no caraway seeds.

  • Our toasted topping cream cheese uses the toppings that were baked onto the Everything bagels, so there’s gluten in it.

  • We do not use any nuts in/around the preparation of our bagels.

    • Our Vegan ‘cream cheese’ does contain coconut, and our dog biscuits do contain peanut butter [they are made offsite].

If you have any questions, please reach out via email or text 617-333-8233